Enrollment Form
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Course Name
---------------- Choose Course ------------------
6131-Basic Safety - Elementary First Aid (EFA)
6121-Basic Safety - Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF)
6141-Basic Safety - Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
6111-Basic Safety - Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
5121-Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (LGTF)
5111-Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (OCTF)
5411-Basic Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (BPW)
6621-Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (STSDSD)
6311-Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
5113-Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (CHEMCO)
5122-Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (GASCO)
5112-Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (TASCO)
5412-Advanced Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (APW)
6421-Medical Care (MC)
6411-Medical First Aid (MFA)
6221-Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)
6211-Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats (PSCRB)
6511-Ship Security Officer (SSO)
1118-Refresher and Updating Course for all Engineers (RUCE)
1111-Refresher and Updating Course for Deck Officers - Management Level (RUCDM)
1112-Refresher and Updating Course for Deck Officers - Operational Level (RUCDO)
1116-Refresher and Updating Course for Engineers - Management Level (RUCM)
1117-Refresher and Updating Course for Engineers - Operational Level (RUCO)
6312-Refresher Course in Advanced Fire Fighting (RAFF)
6122-Refresher Course in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (RFPFF)
6422-Refresher Course in Medical Care (RMC)
6412-Refresher Course in Medical First Aid (RMFA)
6112-Refresher Course in Personal Survival Techniques (RPST)
6222-Refresher course in Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (RPFRB)
6212-Refresher Course in Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats (RPSCRB)
5312-Advanced Training for ships using fuels covered within the IGF (IGFA)
1062-Assessment, Examination and Certification of Seafarers (AECS)
5311-Basic Training for ships using fuels covered within the IGF (IGFB)
3611-Bridging course EO to ETO (BETO)
6512-Company Security Officer (CSO)
3123-High Voltage Safety and Switch Gear Course - Operational level (HVSO)
3223-High Voltage Safety and Switch Gear Course -Management level (HVSM)
1101-Indian Maritime Legislation Course for Recognition Endorsement (IMLC)
3222-Marine Boiler and Steam Engineering course - Management level (MBSM)
3122-Marine Boiler and Steam Engineering course - Operational level (MBSO)
5211-Passenger Ship Familiarisation Course (PSFC)
5212-Passenger Ship Safety Course (PSSC)
6513-Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)
1063-Train the Simulator Trainer and Assessor Course (TSTA)
1061-Vertical Integration Course for Trainers (VICT)
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